Paper C split into two parts in e-EQE 2021

The FAQ on the EQE website has been updated today to provide the following information (emphasis added and reformatted):

Updated 12/2020 - How will paper C be structured and what do I have to take into account when answering it?

The EQE 2021's paper C will be split into two parts.

In the first part of the paper, you will be provided with:
  - a letter from a client, 
  - prior-art documents,
  - a description of the patent to be opposed and
  - a number of its claims.

Within the allotted time, you will be required to draft as much of a notice of opposition as it is possible based on the documents at hand.
This first part of the notice of opposition must be handed in at the end of the first part of the exam.

In the second part, you will be provided with:
   - one or more additional claims of the same patent.
You may also receive further information such as:
   - another letter from the client,
   - further prior art and/or supplementary parts of the patent's description.

You will be required to draft a second part of the notice of opposition.
The second part which will form, together with the first part you already provided, the complete notice of opposition which will be marked. 
This second part of the notice of opposition must be handed in at the end of the second part of the exam.

If an attack which is available in the first part of the paper is discussed only during the second part of the exam, no marks will be awarded to that attack.

Graphically, this may be represented graphically as:


Update 28/01/2021: The FAQ on the EQE website has been extended with the following extra information (emphasis added and reformatted):

Updated 01/2021 - For paper C, will I be able to see my answer to the first part during the second part?


but you will be able to print your answer to the first part of paper C during the break between the two parts. 

To do this, you will have to go to the "information on flows" page (see point 6.5 in the user guide) and download your answer before printing it. 

Note from the blog editor: Point 6.5 of the user guide for Mock 1 ("WISEflow guide for EQE candidates (Version for Mock 1)", available from the e-EQE page; check the page for new editions of the Guide) provides:

"6.5. Terminating the flow

To submit your answer, click the “Go to hand in” button and confirm the submission in the window which pops up. [...]

Once you have handed in your answer, you should close the LockDown browser and log out. [...].

To view your submitted answer, you can log in again and navigate to the flow information page without launching FLOWlock. You can download a copy of your answer and request a receipt for its submission from the flow information page. [...]."

Updated 01/2021 - Since the opposition form has been abolished, how can I provide the required information in my answer?